Do we agree that the most important delivery of any garden supplies for your lawn and plants are soils from a landscape yard full of healthy materials?

That’s right:

Deep, rich organic soil! And the best way to produce a garden you’ll be proud of, is built on a strong soil foundation that can hold on to nutrients and water.

In this article, you’ll discover:

Gold Coast Wholesale garden landscaping supplier

Garden Supplies Secrets Professional Contractors Keep To Themselves

Here at Border Landscape Supplies, we often overhear our landscaping customers talking about ways to build a great Gold Coast/Northern Rivers environment.

So, I asked them if they’d mind if I put these tips into an article for you to read and use.

They said, okay:

“But make sure your customers understand they’ll only get results if they choose healthy garden supplies, and follow Gold Coast/Northern Rivers environmental studies.”

That makes sense , so…

Let’s get started:

Make Sure You Get The Right Garden Supplies

There are areas in your yard or garden where you may have to break up rocks and clay:

I’m sorry, but it’s essential if you want to establish PH levels that plants like to grow in.

Unfortunately, if that’s what your ground is like there are no quick answers. 

You will then have to add a good top soil and other garden supplies that will hold on to nutrients and water.

Now, I know I’ve already mentioned that fact:

But, it’s so important to start from the bottom up if you want a great result (healthy, disease-resistant plants that make your property look really good).

With the right air flow, water retention and underground mineral content. You’ll get thick root growth that will help your plants withstand heavy winds and drought.

Tweed Wholesale garden landscaping supplier
Gold Coast Sand and Soil supplier

What Are The Best Fertilisers?

Try to avoid chemical fertilisers:

Instead, add rich compost or kelp meal deep into the soil.

You’ll be happy with the strong growth and robust condition of all of your plants.

Natural and organic fertilisers are very different from chemicals:

They actually provide a food source while building the soil into a healthy plant bed. 

And, if soils have organic material, they…

  • Remain loose and airy
  • Hold more moisture and nutrients
  • Promote growth of organisms
  • Stimulate healthier root development

On the other hand, when chemical fertiliser is added the soil gradually starts to lose a great deal of its organic components and micro biotic activity:

This results in…

The soil structure deteriorates, becomes lifeless and unable to attract worms or hold essential nutrients and water.

And, in fact…

It starts a repeatable, unhealthy need to keep feeding the plants with chemicals or…

They start dying:

What Are The Essential Gold Coast/Northern Rivers Compost Elements?

Turning The Compost:

Spending time and money in your garden’s soil will always reward you with healthy, vigorous plants that grow unrestrained.

And one of the big secrets in the landscaping industry is…

Build a compost pile:

It will transform your Gold Coast/Northern Rivers garden like nothing else (apart from weeding and digging and healthy garden supplies).

And you don’t need fancy bins or those big barrels with wind-up handles.

We’re talking about organic material that is left to decompose:

So, the container doesn’t have to be anything more than…

A timber, box-like structure that will let you easily turn all the  contained material with a pitchfork.

I’m not suggesting that a rotating bin is not a good way to go.

It is, especially if your budget fits your plans:

But any container that will let the decaying material combine and get oxygen is okay for the job.

The key is…

Allow heat and moisture retention:

So it’s wise to locate your bin in a sunny spot and close to a hose. 

What you’re after is…

A way to contain all of the ingredients so the bacteria that break down the plant matter can heat up the mix effectively.

The Right Mix:

A combination of green and brown plant matter, healthy garden supplies, plus moisture will keep the bacteria working nicely.

You can also add…

  • Wood chips
  • Dry leaves
  • Shredded newspaper
  • Kitchen waste
  • Grass clippings

These are all just what your plants will love especially if you keep the mix well moistened.

Start by adding small twigs or branches to create air pockets…

Then add a couple of shovelfuls of rich garden soil to get things going. Just fold the soil in and let the natural process begin.

In a few months, you should have a dark, crumbly mix that smells and feels like fresh soil.

One real closely guarded secret is…

A Handful Of EarthWorms:

There’s a whole subculture to composting when you throw in worms… especially red worms.

They go to work turning garbage into a rich soil conditioner that can’t be found on a shelf in your Gold Coast/Northern Rivers neighbourhood store.

If you want to be scientific:

One kilo of worms for one kilo of garbage will do nicely.

You can also add a bit of…

  • Sand
  • Saw dust
  • Ground egg shells
  • Vegetable peels (chopped up)
  • Tea bags and coffee grounds

What happens is…

As a worm eats its way into organic material, it leaves behind castings which are rich in nutrients and microbes.

These microbes really kick-start plant growth:

They also help fight off diseases and provide readily absorbed nutrients that keep plants healthy and productive.

There You Have It

To get your Gold Coast/Northern Rivers landscaping projects underway: And to make it easier to have your garden materials delivered anywhere on your site… 

Why not give me a call on…

And I’ll load up my truck with all the garden supplies you’ll need to get that new lawn or plant bed started.

It doesn’t matter if all you require is a small amount or a bulk load of mulch, woodchips, or stones and pebbles…

If you’re within 30km’s of Tweed Heads…

Delivery is FREE:

My garden supplies and all landscaping materials are the lowest prices in town.

Look forward to your call.

Gold Coast landscape supplier free delivery